classic logo (brat)
typography (dark)
procomma and I vote (new)
dumb apostrophes (dark)
hyphen, en dash, em dash (dark)
guillemet pilcrow virgule octothrope and dagger (dark)
logo skateboard (brat)
logo, black on yellow
"dumb" is the new “smart”
“smart” is the new 'dumb'
dumb apostrophes
procomma and I vote (new)
Chic geek
Oxford, serial, and Chicago comma
/ or / or / or /
#, #, #, or #
guillemet pilcrow virgule octothrope and dagger
hyphen, en dash, em dash
logo black on brat
CMOS 18 Logo
CMOS 18 Cover
Retro Chic(ago) Pop
Retro Chic(ago) Disco
Retro Chic(ago) Lava
The Chicago Manual of Style Logo White
VOTE FOR COMMA (original)
Classic Logo, Blue Whimsy
Classic Logo, Red Whimsy
Chicago-Style Stamp of Approval, Black
Chicago-Style Stamp of Approval
The Chicago Manual of Style, White Logo on Blue